
User Guide

Duke Task Scheduler is an app that beats your arse to do your stuff. Try it out, won’t you?

  1. Features
  2. Usage


A Cool Chatbot!

Ever wanted more snark in your life? Try out our app now. Face a disgusted profile pic, where the bot judges you for your life.

CLI Commands!

We don’t know why you would ever want to text commands, but hey, here you go! Type all you want.

Free Snark!

Because we all need that little bit of snark in our lives. Come and get judged by the bot!


list - Listing tasks

Lists your current tasks!

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

a list containing your tasks

sort - Sorting list

Sort your list by time, or by completion status!

Example of usage:

sort by date or sort by done

Expected outcome:

sorted list of your tasks

done - Marking tasks as done

Change the completion status of your task!

Example of usage:

Expected outcome:

message confirming the change in status of the task

todo - Adding a todo to the list

Add a simple responsibility!

Example of usage:

Expected outcome:

message confirming the addition of the task

deadline - Adding a deadline to the list

Add a harder responsibility with a deadline!

Example of usage:

Expected outcome:

message confirming the addition of the task

event - Adding an event to the list

Add a harder responsibility with a start and end time!

Example of usage:

Expected outcome:

message confirming the addition of the task

find - Finding tasks that contain the given word

Find something that you’re trying to remember!

Example of usage:

Expected outcome:

list containing all tasks that contain that word

bye - Say goodbye to the bot

Finally done with everything? Say bye!

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

program exits